A meeting for riders and friends of the old BSA and TRIUMPH Triples. That was the idea of the GERMAN TRIPLE RUN.
Two mates, Ralph and Martin had the idea and were crazy enough, to host the first meeting in their private homes with the help of their families and friends in 2007.
Without any idea how it ends, they planned two meetings. The first in Borgholzhausen, the second one year later in Weertzen. Surprised from the success – at first attempt there were 16 of these fantastic bikes on the ground – it was clear that this meeting became a regular feature. In the meantime there is a third organizer joining thr GTR family – Francis. And with him a new location: Gilching in the Munich area.
From year to year more guests arrives, many of them from other european countries. Over the years we had guests from Netherlands, Finland, United Kingdom, France, Belgium, Denmark, Austria and Switzerland. The visitors record was 33 competitors on bikes plus partners and friends.
The main attraction naturally is the ride on bikes together on saturday. When do you have the opportunity to ride out with 30 other roaring british triples in a row? This picture and sound – unforgettable!
Never been here? We awaked your interest?
We are looking forward to you!