GTR 16:

Dear friends of the German Triple Run,

We are organising a meeting again this year. This time the planning and organisation will be in the hands of Ralph and Rita.

As always in northern Germany, the meeting will take place at the well-known location on our property.

We have already reserved some single and double bedrooms.

However, the room situation is a little difficult and we will not be able to place all guests together in one hotel. However, our “shuttle service” will be available again to take everyone individually to their hotel. It is as well possible to camp. Washing facilities and toilets will be available.

The schedule is as usual: arrival on Friday, 2ndAugust, a nice get-together in the evening, possibly even with a campfire. There will be plenty to satisfy hunger and thirst from the pot or barbecue, from the barrel or bottle.

On Saturday, 3rdAugust, after breakfast, we will go for a ride through the beautiful “Alte Land”.

And of course we’ll round off the day with cold drinks, delicious food and barbecues and excellent conversation.

On Sunday 4thAugust, again after breakfast with everyone, the general departure for the journey home begins.

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